Sharing our food successes and failures, new recipes and old favorites
...and throwing in some great money-saving deals here and there!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jan. 28 - Baked Potato Pizza

Another mom in the club just had a baby (and what an absolutely adorable little man he is - so tiny...neither of my kids were ever under 8 lbs. and this one was about 6.5 lbs!). I made my "Helping Hands" staple - a baked potato pizza and salad with dessert. It's easier to just double everything I do and eat half of it myself, so we're having that for dinner! I bought a whole wheat crust to try and give it a little bit more of a healthier vibe and it tasted good. Wegmans' pre-made pizza crusts are fantastic and their wheat bread is the BEST. We muched on the brownies for dessert, too, that we made yesterday. I didn't have a chance to make Luke any of his new food yet (eggplant! avocado-'nana mash! sweet potatoes and apples!), but hopefully that will keep me busy for part of tomorrow. Here are our pizzas:


Supermommy said...
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Gretchen said...

Erica, do you have the recipe here somewhere?

Dining with the Rissers said...

I'm so sorry I forgot to post the link!

Thanks for reading :)

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