Sharing our food successes and failures, new recipes and old favorites
...and throwing in some great money-saving deals here and there!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Feb. 11 - Leftover Lasagna

I bought a 12-serving lasagna a few weeks back and made the entire thing. Since we surely weren't going to eat all of it even if we ate it as leftovers, I froze half. I need to hit the grocery store tomorrow because we're running low on stuff to make for meals and this was one of the last things we had left to eat. Nothing exciting, but it tasted okay (not as good as homemade lasagna, nor as good as I remembered frozen ones to be). A mini-trip to the grocery store is in order for tomorrow!

On another note, I think Luke is teething because he is miserable and is refusing most foods except yogurt and applesauce. He needs to get some veggies in, and I know he enjoys green beans, but he refused them when the boy tried feeding him yesterday. Since he devours the applesauce, I mixed the two, and the kid housed two full bowls - I couldn't believe it?! He was definitely hungry. I guess for the time being we'll try combining his different foods so he'll eat least until whichever teeth are on their way pop up.

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