Sharing our food successes and failures, new recipes and old favorites
...and throwing in some great money-saving deals here and there!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 26 - BFD

Today was a BFD - and, yes, in more ways than one! We spent the morning shopping around for home improvement stuff, bought a new TV for the basement, picked out the paint color and (most likely) the actual bar we're going to put in our remodeled dining room (it's turning into a swanky wine bar, complete with a black jack table), and managed to do all of that with only a few minor melt-downs (and I'm not mentioning ANY names of who was and was not melting down). Accomplishing that, with two kiddos in tow, early on a Sunday morning is a big f***ing deal.

The other BFD? Breakfast for dinner, of course! Since the boy isn't a big pancake/waffle person, I decided to "meat up" this dinner with bacon and sausage, did a side of cheesy hashbrowns, made some scrambled eggs, and had donut holes for dessert (they were leftover after being used this morning as a bribery tool). You can't go wrong with BFD, and although Luke refused to eat anything but bacon, it was a hit.

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