Well, vacation is over, and I guess it’s time to jump back into the swing of things! I’ve neglected the blog, and have so much to update on. Lots of people keep asking how vacation went, so I thought I’d write up my little vaca story and let anyone who cares to know how I spent six child-free/husband-free days read about it. And, yes, you read that correctly – six full days without my children or husband – just the grandparents and me!
I left Monday to stay with my sister in Philadelphia for the night. My flight left at 5:30 Tuesday morning and I needed to leave the car at home for transporting the kiddos around, so I decided to stay with Steph and take a cab in. To my surprise, she volunteered to get up at 3:30 in the morning to drive me to the airport. She is the smottest! ;-) We went out to dinner and I got to check out her new apartment before crashing for a few hours.
I woke up Tuesday, made it to the airport with plenty of time (security lines are empty at 4:30 a.m.) and enjoyed an absolutely uneventful first leg of the trip. I arrived in Charlotte, made it over to the next terminal and was able to walk right onto the connecting flight. By 10:30, I was back at the “pee-nano” house in Houston (it’s what Lindsay called it last year during our visit because they have a piano in their dining room that she liked to play with). That day (November 2) was All Souls Day – a holiday in the Catholic church where loved ones who’ve passed away are remembered. To honor the day, we took a trip to the cemetery where my great-great Aunt Celia was buried, as well as my great-grandfather (Leon) and a few other family members on my grandfather’s side of the family. My grandma and pop will also be buried there (hopefully not for a very, very long time!).

The rest of the evening we spent cooking dinner and chatting – and going to sleep early since I was dragging from the night before.
Wednesday was another day in Houston (and rainy for the second day in a row – I *always* bring the rain to Texas!), and I joined my grandma at the Y for a workout. She does a step and lifting class that is designed for “regular” people (not a senior-focused class) and she has been unofficially dubbed the “rock star” of the gym. When I said this, she told me she was glad she wasn’t the “Y slut” – and for those of you who know me, my personality should start to make sense! That afternoon I also had a chance to visit my great Uncle Joe, which is always something I look forward to.
The rest of the day we ran errands in preparation for our trip into Galveston, including a visit to the largest grocery store (a Kroger’s) in Houston. The rest of the day was spent like Monday night – cooking, cocktailing, and enjoying each other’s company.
We made the trek out to their beach house in Galveston on Thursday, and much to my surprise, the sun was shining and the temps went up into the low 70s!
I slept on the beach, went for a 5-mile run on the sand, and ate some of the most delicious seafood. This was truly a do-little day, and the fact that I was able to relax as much as I did, while watching the waves crash in from the Gulf was indescribably fantastic.
I woke up Friday morning and watched the sunrise before taking a walk along the water.
Later that morning, Grandma and I did a little shopping and lunched at a restaurant with a fantastic view out over the Gulf. It was great to be back on the eastern side of the Island and to see the rebirth of the city. During last year’s visit, there was still so much destruction from Ike, which was horribly sad. Things are improving now, two years later, and the Island is coming back. I lounged the rest of the day and soaked up as much beach as I could, since that was going to be it for a LONG time! We spent the evening sharing family stories and having G&Ts on the deck, snacking on cheese, crackers and olives for dinner.
Saturday I returned home, and although I hadn’t been homesick before (I felt like a bad mom, but I just didn’t have any desire to come home a second earlier than I did?!), I was ready by the time I arrived at the airport. It was great to come home and see the kids and the boy. And, as my clinical insanity has been demonstrated, spent the night and next day preparing for a family party with members of the MOMS Club – less than 24 hours upon returning home, I’d agreed to host what became 52 people in my house! It was a blast, though, and absolutely worth it.
So, now, I’m a few days removed from my vacation, and I already miss my grandparents, happy hours that started at 4:00 (with G&Ts on the deck overlooking the Gulf), naptimes, and meals cooked and served to me. But, with as much as I miss it, couldn’t be happier to be chasing after Linds and Luke again and enjoying the days with my family and friends. It’s good to be home :)