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Saturday, December 4, 2010

My first 5K!

I know it isn't food related, but I finished my first 5K today!! I signed up about 8 weeks ago, and was not much of a runner (okay, not at all a runner) when I signed up, so I didn't have huge expectations. I just wanted to finish it...and not finish last. The first time I ran 3.1 miles straight, it took me a little over 36 minutes...not too bad to start. Eight weeks later, I finished in 29 minutes, 54 seconds. I am ELATED!

I never understood everyone's obsession with running until I really got into it, and now I have to say I'm hooked. I'm hoping to pick up a few more 5Ks in the spring and then my goal is to do the Broad Street Run in early May. My sister, brother, and brother-in-law said they were interested in doing it, so we may turn it into a "family affair." Regardless, it's nice to find a new hobby - especially one that's stress-free and helps get me back into pre-kiddo shape :)

Perhaps the best part about this race was that I ran it with a great friend who was motivating and encouraging throughout our "training" love to Christy Stofflet for being crazy enough to brave below-freezing weather for a hell of a time!

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